Friday, March 20, 2015

"I'll never find a partner/ or get married "

Part I of III:
Do you say this about yourself?
"I'll never get married"
"Why can't I find a good man or woman"
"I'll never find a man"
"It just never seems to work"

Are these things that you say to yourself or to your friends about your love life.
How much do you love yourself that you speak these things into existence about your own life? You may not belive that what you speak into the universe to others about yourself does impact you. Now you may be thinking what does that mean speaking it into existence - when a person speaks negatively about their own life and what they will never find, accomplish, or do - the universe responds to the negative energy /  comments and feelings that you exhale into it. How so? Have you found that mate yet?  No,  surprise, surprise!
Changing yourself doesn't have to be physical most of the time changing from within is the key ,how do you do this?
Change for a better you.
Change the way you think and you will change what you speak - changing what you speak into the universe  and you will change the way you feel hence Law of Attraction. You must decrease / extinguish / and demolish these  negative thoughts you have about never finding  a partner because with thoughts such as those you seem undeserving of anyone loving you the way youd like them to.  Everyone deserves to be loved, yet if you don't feel IT you won't find IT-

The Law of Attraction:
  1. The law of attraction is the name given to the term that "like attracts like" and that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results.

If you feel like saying these beautiful affirmations to yourself at least twice a day is stupid... let me ask you... Did you find your that wonderful mate yet? No ... okay then dont judge it without trying it.  This will only help to boost your confidence and positive vibrations and thoughts. You dont have to look at yourself in the mirror i know some get very weirded out by But this will also help in you role in appreciating yourself as the main character in your story. Treat yourself right first and the one who deserves you and will love and appreciate you just as you love and appreciate yourself will no doubt be sent to you.

Try picking one affirmation and saying it when you first wake up and in the middle of the day. Choose one for the week. Go....

Sunday, March 8, 2015

What A Woman Wants :

A woman wants to feel thought of.

A woman wants to feel special.

A woman wants to know that if she needs you, your there.

A woman needs you to rub her back kiss her on the forehead and let her know that everything is going to be okay regardless of the situation.

Awoman wants you to invest in her what she invests in you.

A woman doesn't want to hear about the past but listen to the great things to come in the future.

A woman wants you, all of you, give her your bad with your good, your negative moments with your positive ones, your simplicity with your greatness.